
God Speaks through Hurricanes – Daniel Harrison

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £3.75.

The Biblical truth about the weather, global warming and natural disasters
Pages : 175
Trim : Paperback
Publisher : Rickfords Hill Pub
Release Date : N/A


Who controls the weather – God or man? The Bible teaches unequivocally that it is God; but more than that, it makes it clear that every hurricane, storm and earthquake is specifically ordained by God. If that is true, what does it say about climate change? And if God is a God of love, why does He ordain natural disasters that bring suffering to millions? In this hard-hitting book, Daniel Harrison uses the Word of God to cut through human theories and shed light on the issue. Showing how the Bible teaches that God is sovereign and in control of every circumstance, he goes on to use history to illustrate how God has specific reasons for the weather that He sends. Prepare to be amazed and to rethink your theology as the author brings biblical truth to bear on this controversial topic.