
On the Way 3-9s – Book 6 – TnT

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £7.49.

Pages : 88
Trim : Paperback
Publisher : Christian Focus
Release Date : 20/09/2004

2 in stock

SKU: 9781857923261 Categories: , Tags: , ,


On the Way works as a three year syllabus. It covers the main Bible stories from Genesis to the Acts of the Apostles. All the Bible stories are taught as truth and not myth.

Each year the birth of Jesus is taught at Christmas and the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Between Christmas and Easter the syllabus covers aspects of Jesus’ life and teaching, and after Easter there is a short series on the Early Church. The rest of the year is spent looking at the Old Testament stories, covering broad sweeps of Old Testament history.

In this way leaders and children gain an orderly and cohesive view of God’s dealings with his people throughout the Old and New Testaments. The lessons are grouped in series, each of which is introduced by a series overview stating the aims of the series, the lesson aim and an appropriate memory verse.

Every lesson has Bible study notes to enable the teacher to understand the passage. There are 3 age ranges of activity suitable for 3-5s, 5-7s and 7-9s, which they can take home.

Book 6 has the following Old Testament lessons:- Samson – 2 weeks; Ruth – 2 weeks; Samuel – 2 weeks; Saul – 4 weeks.

Sample: Sample a Lesson from this age range – see our associated downloads below.