Smith Wigglesworth knew firsthand of the power of Scripture. For years, the Apostle of Faith taught the Bible to millions of believers in his legendary, miracle- filled meetings. Now, many of these teachings have been collected in one book, offering you the rare opportunity to sit at the feet of this anointed man of God. Transcribed exactly as they were delivered to a select group of Bible students at Aimee Semple McPhersons celebrated Angelus Temple, these teachings will allow you to: Better understand the gifts of the Spirit. Claim victory over temptation. Share in the riches of Gods glory. Learn how to pray for the sick. See how Gods presence brings healing. Develop better spiritual discernment. Live in the freedom of Gods grace. Be used by God to win souls. Experience the biblical foundation of speaking in tongues. Discover the joy of obeying Gods Word.Each session includes a one-of-a-kind question and answer session between the students and Smith Wigglesworth himself. If you are ready to receive a fresh understanding of Gods gifts and a fresh anointing of His power, you will cherish this glimpse into the heart and mind of one of His most gifted servants.