
Old Testament Study Guides: The Father Of Israel – John MacArthur


Pages : 128
Trim : Paperback
Publisher : Thomas Nelson
Release Date : 15/07/2008

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Best-selling author John MacArthur provides a twelve-week, in-depth, unique look at the Old Testament. Each of the twelve study guides examines the Old Testament in a new light: from historical, character, and thematic angles. Each study is divided into four sections: one lesson sets the stage; five lessons overview the historical period; four lessons focus on a personality; and two lessons look at a special topic or doctrine. In ‘The Father of Israel’, the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, are rich with history, meaning, and spiritual truths. Dr. MacArthur brings readers to a thorough understanding of the context and meaning of these stories and characters, studying the themes of covenant and obedience as well as trusting everything to God by faith.