True wisdom, wrote John Calvin, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. With an eloquence which is itself awe-inspiring, Psalm 139 shows us how such true wisdom is discovered. Its magnificent statement of the glorious majesty, omniscience, and omnipresence of God combines with its profound and penetrating descriptions of the experiences of the children of God. In this small volume, these biblical truths are given clear and satisfying exposition in the hands of one of the great modern masters of the Old Testament. The late E.J. Young, for many years Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, was widely acknowledged as the prince of conservative Old Testament scholars. His combination of deep personal devotion with meticulous scholarship, and love for Gods Word with humble faith in Gods Son, left an abiding impression both on his students and on the many Christians who were privileged to hear his more popular expositions of the Scriptures. In this exposition of Psalm 139 the legacy of his ministry lives on.