This is a real gem of a book. In an age when often only the superficial, human meaning of the Song of Songs is considered, Hudson Taylor takes us much deeper, and causes us to reflect on the spiritual.
This is devotional writing of the highest standard. The author brings thoughts from the great love song that will deepen our relationship with Christ and make us more fruitful in service. It is a book fragrant with the character of Christ and uses the song’s imagery to reveal His love for His bride the church, and for the individual believer.
“This book is a poem describing the life of a believer on earth. Beginning with the unsatisfied longings of an espoused one—longings which could only be met by her unreserved surrender to the Bridegroom of her soul—we find that when the surrender was made, instead of the cross she had so much feared, she found a King, the King of Love, who both satisfied her deepest longings, and found His own satisfaction in her.”
JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR (1832−1905) was the renowned English missionary to China who founded the China Inland Mission (now OMF International). He first trained as a medical doctor and at the age of 21 made his initial visit to China. Although he suffered much hardship in the cause, including being bereaved of his first wife and several children, he sought to spread the gospel with almost unremitting zeal. Spending more than five decades in China, he saw dramatic conversions and laid the foundation for future missionaries such as C. T. Studd.
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